Minnesota Code for ECG analysis

Minnesota Code for ECG analysis

Minnesota Code for ECG analysis was formulated by the University of Minnesota ECG coding center. The coding for Q-QS Waves start with 1 (1-Codes). Frontal Plane QRS Axis codes start with 2 (2-Codes), tall R Waves with 3 (3-Codes), ST Segment Depression (4-Codes) and Negative T-Waves (5-Codes), Atrioventricular (A-V) Conduction Defects (6-Codes), Intraventricular Conduction Defects (7-Codes), Arrhythmias (8-Codes) and Miscellaneous Codes (9-Codes). ST elevations are coded 9-2.

6-2-3 codes for Wenckebach’s Phenomenon while the WPW code is 6-4-1. 7-1-1 codes for Complete left bundle branch block (LBBB), 7-2-1 for Complete right bundle branch block (RBBB), 8-2-1 for Ventricular fibrillation or ventricular asystole and 9-8-1 Technical problems which interfere with coding.

Minnesota Code is used mainly for population research and clinical trials and not for hospital practice. It is available for download from the University of Minnesota ECG coding center website: http://www.epi.umn.edu/ecg/mncode.pdf .