Mechanism of phasic ejection click in valvar pulmonary stenosis

What is the mechanism of phasic ejection click in valvar pulmonary stenosis?

During inspiration the systemic venous return increases and enhances the right ventricular filling. This elevates the right ventricular end diastolic pressure causing a cephalad excursion of the pulmonary valve at the end of diastole. Hence the opening movement during systole is less as the valve is already partially domed at the end of diastole. In expiration the right ventricular end diastolic pressures are lower and presystolic doming of pulmonary valve does not occur. Hence the systolic excursion of pulmonary valve is more in systole and produces a prominent click. The click is nearer to first heart sound in inspiration, apparently fusing with it and moves away from the first heart sound in expiration.